Thursday, October 05, 2006

Catch up!

We had the Birthday Party on my side for quite a few of us- going all the way back to June I believe on Friday night. Other blogging moments came up during the week so these pictures are a little late- sorry!
It's always a good time at the birthday parties- Lots of laughs and tears streaming down our faces from laughing so hard! We usually end up reminiscing about growing up and all the wickedness that Terri delivered and we had to live with!
Just look at that evil little smile- I think this picture acurately sums up what I'm talking about!

I love this picture of Arianna- isn't she too cute! She wanted a fleece blanket and was so excited that she got one!

Look at the love with these 3!
It looks a little unfair to me- like Nick has a chance with those 2!
Katelyn- I don't think Wilfred would have appreciated this behavior!! (love you!)
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1 comment:

Laura said...

Actually - a correction to make the situation even sadder - the party went all the way back to May - Andy's birthday!! Pretty sad - I agree - we have to do them sooner from now on! After all - the more we split up the parties - the more we have an excuse to eat cake!! :) (And to see each other of course!)