Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Works for Me Wednesday

To save time when I'm making bread in my bread machine I will set out a couple of ziploc bags and add all the dry ingredients. As you put them in the bread maker- also put them in the ziploc bags. That way when you go to make bread again you can just dump the bag of ingredients in the machine and all you have to add is the liquid.
It's much easier and it works for me!
Now head on over to Shannon's to find out the other great ideas for the day!


Unknown said...

Very good! What a time saver! We make a lot of bread in the fall and winter! I'll be using this tip for sure!

I have a WFMW up with an idea on how to preserve your child's school and/or art work.

Mom2fur said...

This is a great idea, even if all you do is measure out the bread flour. Flour is just too messy, and a pain to measure, so might as well get a few over with at once, LOL!

Full Contact, Savior-centric Livin said...

Wow! Great idea. I'm bad. I haven't made bread consistently in a few years, but I keep saying soon...and I'll have to try this.

Amanda said...

What a great idea! Why didn't I think of that one. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Love it! Love it!

Chris from Canada

Amy said...

Great timesaving technique. I am always making bread so this will help me out a lot.