Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Works for me Wednesday

My mini van has some sort of electrical problem and will on occasion "lock" itself.
I'm usually very careful about never leaving my keys in there but it has happened before and I got locked out!
The solution is if you have a 2 key pads (that you push the button to unlock all the doors) You can call your husband or whoever has the other one and have him hold the button by the phone and hit the unlock button. The signal will go through the phone and the doors will unlock!!
Another quick idea for anyone that loses their keys- clip them to your cell phone and then if you can't find them you can just call your cell phone and you'll know where they are!
Head on over to Shannon's and check out all the other ideas!


PastormacsAnn said...

Love idea about the cell phone! I'm trying to get in the habit of hanging the car keys up as soon as I come into the house, but it's not a habit yet! Thanks!

Trisha said...

Two really great ideas for tired Moms! I love the graphics on your blog- so cute!!

Mom2fur said...

Oh, wow! I never knew this could be done over the phone! You are a genius!

Lori said...

That is a great idea, I sooo many times lose my keys.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know if that would work or not. But our van locks itself soemtimes too! Did you know some locksmiths will unlock it free if there's a crying 3 year old in the back seat? LOL, that happened to us, anyway.

Carol said...

The signal goes through the phone? GET OUT!!! I'm going to try this just for fun.

Love the clip-'em-to-your phone idea. That could save me hours of hunting per week!

Anonymous said...

Love the key pad through the phone thing!!!!! AWESOME!!!! I've gotta try this.

Unknown said...

I am going to have to try this when dh gets home just to see if it works. I can't believe it, but it could be so helpful, because we both have the unlocker on each of our keys. Wow!

Full Contact, Savior-centric Livin said...

You have GOT to be kidding! What if he's in DC and you're in CA? Still work? This is just too cool!

Cheri said...

My husband works about 25 miles from me and that worked. I'm not sure how far the radius works but that will give you a little idea at least.

Mama Duck said...

Seriously? Cool!! What a wonderful idea! Have a great Wednesday - our WFMW tip is up as well!

Amy said...

Great idea- I am always misplacing my keys!

Stephanie said...

You, my dear, are a genius. Unfortunately, you posted this about a week too late! Oh well, I'm sure there will be a next time!

Susanne said...

Who knew! Aren't you smart!

Welcome to blogland. You have a very lovely little place here!

Mrs. Darling said...

Your kidding. I never would have thought that the signal could transmit though the phone. How cool.