Friday, December 01, 2006

Snow Day!

Oh the kids are buzzing around here so excited! We did get the snow and freezing rain they predicted and school is cancelled today. I thought Nick was going to jump out of his skin with excitement! Halle is already planning her snowman that she and Nick and Arianna are going to build later. I do enjoy snow days when it lands on days that I don't have day care kids. It's just a special time to do fun things with the kids.
I do however hope the roads improve by tonight as we have a Christmas party to go to.
Enjoy the weather and hopefully it gets you into the Christmas spirit!


Laura said...

Enjoy it while it lasts children... in real life there are no snow days. Yuck.
I was standing outside my car at 6:30 in the morning using my snowbrush as an ice pick to try and chip the inch of solid ice off my car. It was one of those mornings I was wishing I was still in school!

Terri said...

I love those snow days - for the most part too - but I am especially bummed about the Christmas party. I know we should have still had it!!