Monday, July 23, 2007

Time to get going again!

Well after a scolding from my big sister- I'm feeling better. To give you the back story- we ended up coming home early from vacation because I wasn't feeling well.
I've been having wierd symptoms for about a month and a half and my mind wouldn't quit thinking the worst. I've been to my Dr twice and the ER once- all 3 dr's have told me they are quite convinced it's a virus.
It's amazing how powerful your mind is. I know that when I keep thinking about it- it's not helping me any. I have decided to pick myself up and move on with my life and we'll see what happens next. (I go to the neurologist sometime- haven't heard when the appointment is going to be yet)
I'd appreciate any prayers that you are willing to lift up for peace and that this virus runs it's course quickly and I can feel normal again.
In any case there are so many people that are so much worse off than me and I'm going to focus on my blessings instead of the small chance that something's wrong.
I'm going to list a few here right now just to get me going:
1. My family- Mark has been great and very supportive- my kids- I've gotten cards from all 3 of them telling me they love me and hope I feel better soon.
2. My friends- you know who you are but Brenda- you go above and beyond- please let me be your shoulder to lean on sometime- I'm really feeling like I owe you big time!
3. My therapists (just kidding- my sisters!) Thanks for knowing when to just smack me up a bit and tell me to get on with my life.
4. I have a nice home, food on the table and everything I need.
5. I'm so thankful I live in the best country in the world.
6. My church family who as soon as they heard about this have been so supportive.
7. My biggest blessing is that I have a God who loves me and I know He won't give me more than I can handle- and I'm going to rest in that promise!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy to see you a little more chipper!!! God is in control and He knows!! I love ya and you know I would do anything for ya!!!

We will see you tomorrow!!!

I want you to come hungry!! LOL

Are you drinking your fluids!!! :)

Laura said...

I'm glad to hear that!

Whenever those worries and fears start creeping up, just say those promises out loud. "God has not given me a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power! I have that power inside me and these worries and feeling have no authority here." You can also talk right out loud to the virus - tell it how big your God is and that it has no chance against it and it needs to leave now!

God will stand by his promises and spirits of fear and worry and sickness have to leave when we tell them to in Jesus' name! Isn't that awesome?

I will definitely keep praying for the virus to leave and for peace and strength for you. Love ya!

Mari said...

I do hope you are feeling better today. I have been and will keep praying for you. Love you lots!!!

Terri said...

I'm glad to hear that you're starting to get up and around. I know you do not feel well. Hopefully the neurologist appt. will help to give you peace too. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

We love ya! Hang in there - our God is bigger than this thing - whatever it is! We're praying!

utmommy said...
