Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Take me out to a ballgame

Tuesday night we decided to go and watch Terri play ball. It was such a perfect night to be outside, I thought it was great timing.
Nick and Chelsea took the little girls to play on the toys in the park and then they got to go to the concession stand for a treat. They all loved it!

We had alot of fun watching the game. The game was going well until we left, so I guess next time we have to stay for the whole thing. (Brenda you'll understand this- I had to leave early so I could get home in time to watch Deadliest Catch!)

I promised Terri I wouldn't put any embarrasing pictures up and I'm keeping my word because I do have a couple of great ones I'm not posting!

Here Terri is at bat- see the next picture to see how she did:

She had a great hit and here she is at 2nd ready to go:

Here she is at her position at Left Field- she had a couple of nice catches there:

We had alot of fun watching and we will be back again to route her on!

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Mari said...

Good job Terri - I'm impressed!

Cherdecor said...

I didn't know that Terri was a ball player! Way to go Terri!!!!

Unknown said...

Go Terri!!! She looks like a pro..

Terri said...

Yup, it was great until I went after that first ball and pulled that muscle. I'm getting old, I'm guessing! I don't understand why we did well until you left. I'm thinking we need you for the whole game! :)

Jen said...

Way to go Terri!!!! Now I can get up in front of 150 kids and shake my booh-tah but I have never been able to play softball. Poor hand-eye coordination I guess.

Dena said...

Ok - I obviously didn't get the SPORTY gene from terri!

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

Your sister sounds like mine...whenever I take a picture of her she says, "Are you going to put that up on your blog?!?"

Thanks for the prayers Cheri,


Anonymous said...

Hey, does Terri play at the park by my house? I would love to watch her play sometime.