This week started the long, intense process of drivers training for Nick. I can't believe I'm at this point in his life already but alas I am.
I can't believe how much this course has changed since I took it. It's so much more than when we were that age. He gets homework every night from the class and has a project due at the end of the 3 weeks.
I feel bad for him because his life is truly crazy right now. As soon as he gets home from school he goes directly to work. He gets picked up from work, has supper and goes right to drivers training and doesn't get home till 9 at night and then has homework to do. I'm sure he'll be ready for this to be done.
I on the other hand will be ready for all the running to be over but then I have to let him start driving-aghhhhh! Somebody get the hair dye ready because I can feel the grey hairs coming already. Here's your warning- he's got driving hours next week so be on the look out! Just kidding- he'll do fine- I hope!
Wow! Homework and a project due??? What kind of project does he have to do! I think Nick will be a great driver!!!
Hey, way back in the stone age I had a workbook with homework and a project due after three weeks. You are gettin old if you don't remember the load. Maybe you just learned to drive on the farm tractor, hehe.
Let me warn you that this is just the beginning of a busy life for your teenager. It doesn't stop...and yes, I still cringe when I watch my kids fly into the driveway at high speeds.
Logan is still working on getting his hours in for driving - almost there so he can take segment 2. I'm really not in a big hurry though because I'm concerned with his attention span - he gets bored easily and now we can "hey" him back to reality but when he gets his license...
I am really old because my driver's training was about driving. I did pass the test the first time so I wonder if they have changed the tests?
Wow. Poor guy. I hope it is over soon and you can all rest!
I'm just glad you're in your city and I'm in mine. I think they actually had to do more when Mari and Ginger took it but when I took it, there were no projects either!
get the tylenol ready! i can't even imagine - although I am guessing he is ready for the responsibility as long as it doesn't mean lil sister tag alongs
O.K. just so I know, what does your vehicle look like?! Boy I feel for you, that time doesn't have to come too soon for me!!!!!
I feel your pain - I'm just so glad I'm done! Getting those driving hours is worse than the running for classes!
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