My dad is using one of these for his foot surgery- you put your knee down on the seat and then use your other leg to scoot around:

I started thinking this would be so helpful to me right now. To rent one from a durable medical place it's $70. My dad had mentioned that Love inc- which is Love in the name of Christ had one for $20. So I called the Love in my neighborhood and they didn't have any. I then called the one in Hudsonville- which is about 10- 15 minutes away. I talked to the lady and explained what I was looking for. Yes she said she had one and then asked me where I lived. I told her and then she asked me what church I went to. I told her and she said which church is that. I told her and then she told me that I didn't live close enough and didn't go to a supporting church so she wouldn't give it to me. I definately got the feeling it was more the church than the area. Just for the record- our church does support the Love in our area.
UNBELIEVABLE!! For a Christian organization, I can't tell you how dissapointed I am in them. I just feel that it gives Christians such a bad name when just because I don't go to the right church they won't help.
that is so stupid- i am REALLY mad about that, they should take the acts class and relize how dumb that is! hopefully other Christians can show Christs love to the world even if its not through an organization,
FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! But she was probably meaning that you church is not in their area. It may support one in another area. Call the one back that is closer to you and explain the problem and ask if it is their policy to only provide for people in their area.
THEN, if it is not their policy, post their phone number and we will all call them and complain!
sorry, I meant your.
I am a little frustrated too!!!!!!!!
You already know what I think!!
dude - that's rough! It never ceases to amaze me how people put CHRISTIAN in any form and act the exact opposite - I sent Annie to a Christian school this year and pulled her out because the teachers were upset she was extra work with her vision and there was nothing Christian in the way they acted!
Boy Cheri I would let them know what this woman said either by phone or a letter! That is definately not LOVE in the name of Christ! WOW I'm stunned!
If you talk to them again just see what they say if we don't help distribute their VBS booklets this summer... we've done this in the past so I would say that's being supportive, wouldn't you?
And what team are they on? I'm on God's Team and so is our church - aren't we all on the same support system here????
Goodness Gracious ! I think that is ridiculous !!
I am blown away by that one! That makes absolutely no sense to me.
That is a shame, why don't you try the LOVE INC out of Grand Haven see if they can help.
That's ridiculous! Our church does support them...a lot, with the stuff that Diane mentioned, plus the food pantry thing, and youth group volunteers there....
that is crazy! God wants us to help our neighbors!
And we wonder why people are turned off by Christianity?
Crazy world we live in, eh?
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