We got back from vacation last night and I'm glad to be home. The weather is beautiful here. Let me just thank all of you that were praying for me to feel better before we left. God answered those prayers. We were leaving at 7 a.m. Friday morning and as of Thursday night it wasn't good. I was so sick and Mark was seriously wondering if I should even go. It was hurting when I took a breathe and I was wondering if it was turning into pneumonia. I woke up Friday though and I felt quite a bit better so we took off.
We had a good day of travel and everyone did a good job of not fighting in the back seat!
Saturday we went to the Creation Museum. Here are some pictures:

Here are the kids in the Garden Of Eden:

Here is Noah- building the ark:

This was a path out back in the botanical garden:

We would not recommend going here over Spring Break. It was absolute chaos. There were a number of large groups there also and it was just so many people.
The kids had a good time seeing the dinosaurs and they liked the Ark and the Garden of Eden.
We took a little detour on the way home and stopped at IKEA. I love to look around there so that was fun.
However, now that we're home- I'll show you what I'm doing:

Yes my poor little bun is sick. Last night she had 103 fever with Tylenol so I had to alternate Tylenol and Motrin to get it down. It's killing me that it's so beautiful outside and she's sick and can't enjoy it! I hope this doesn't last long and that Arianna, Nick and Mark don't get it! Seeing I've got my hands a little full here, I hope you'll pardon me if I'm not as diligent about posting every day.
Have a great day!