While they're there they will be building houses for a couple of families. Their houses are 2 room houses- very simple. They are about the size of a large living room. Whole families live in these very simple rooms and they're thrilled with it!
I think this is going to be such an awesome experience for them to share together!
Mark went 2 years ago and it's something that stays with you. He loves Guatemala and I would really like to go on a mission trip there also. Our church does this trip to Guatemala and they also do another trip to Guatemala where you go into the orphanages and just love on the babies. That's the one that I would love to go on!
Here are some pictures from Mark's last trip:
This is part of a carnival that we put on for them. They also share their faith after the carnival

Look at these children- aren't they just beautiful!
This is Mark with Ophelia- she totally stole his heart!
The kids were helping them with the stucco. They would run down the path and bring the guys the stucco for the houses.
How would you like to live this close to your neighbors!
This gives you an idea of the size of the houses:
Recognize the guy in the blue shirt? That's Mari's son Andy- he also went on this trip!
They're gonna have such a great time. I hope they don't get sick this time around. Maybe we'll have to do the trip to the orphanage someday.
Okay, in Japan our neighbors are literally that close---being it's Tokyo.
That looks like such an AWESOME opportunity! Glad they can experience it together. Loved the pictures.
THis will be a wonderful experience for the both of them. I would like to go on a missions trip one day. I just don't feel now is the right timing! Can't wait to hear more about this!
In Portugal some of the houses are REALLY that close, I mean we can open a window and shake the hand of the neighbor in his house LOL
This will be such an amazing experience for them :)
They're going to have a great time - especially getting to go together! I know Andy really had a great time too.
How exciting! I know they're going to have a great time!
Hoe exciting our church is in th eprocess of putting together another mission trip to Mexico to buil houses fro them and htis time they are taking them a car as well. Char
Girl - you don't need no shots! I've been a few times and I didn't get any! You are going to LOVE it - the Guatemalan people are sooo loving and kind! they country is beautiful with water volcanos, aweseom lakes and mountains! the children are gorgeous (of course I am biased)
I can't wait to hear more!
That looks like so much fun !! I sooo miss this sort of thing and can't wait til we are able to go again ! I love the shots of the kids. Pulls at my heart. The kids are always what "gets" me !! I'm really excited for Mark and Nick. Can't wait to hear all about it ..
That's going to be a great sharing opportunity for them! Praying it is a blessing! Yeah I could go and hold those babies too! I just don't know if I could leave them there, and I'm way to old to be getting a baby at this point!
I know it will be great for Mark and even more so because Nick will be there.
I started to comment here this morning and the phone rang. I wanted to say that my best friend is from Guatemala. She came here to the states for college, married, and brought the rest of her brothers and sisters here. They are really good Christian people.
This is a wonderful experience! It is one that I never had, but I am so glad for others who get to go.
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