You might be wondering if we've moved our naughty corner and if Halle is taking a "time Out" here. The answer is no. I just wanted to share with you all the view I've had of Halle for about 90% of the time the past few days.
She discovered a birds nest under our deck and figured out that if she gets down she can peek through the slots in the wood and see the nest. It started out with 4 eggs and 3 have now hatched.
She is obsessed with these babies. She's constantly running out there and checking on them and she's always telling us to be quiet in the house because if the french doors are open then we might disturb them while they sleep.
Last year we had a nest in a tree out our bedroom window and we could watch them get fed and it was really neat.
I wish the nest was still there because it's kind of cute when Halle gets hunched all down like that- Me--- not so much!!!!
Is the nest close enough where you could knock it down and be done with them? Just kidding - I'm sure they're very cute. But Halle's little bootie sticking out is even cuter!
I loved it when we had robins under our deck too. I don't know why they haven't been there the last two years but it sure was fun to watch them grow.
That is darling!!
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