Arianna got to have her friend Faith overnight last night. Faith kept asking Mark to come in the pool and play with them. Mark obliged and soon all I heard was:
Marco- Marco- Marco
They had alot of fun though! Hopefully they're good and tired out so they fall asleep tonight.
On a different note: Just to let you all know- I got my MRI results today and what a relief- it was completely normal so it is just a viral thing and I'm happy to say that as of Monday I was really starting to feel better anyway.
Even though this has been a nightmarish couple of months I wouldn't change it because it brought me closer in my relationship with God. On Monday when I prayed I finally just gave it over and said- if this is the path that you have for my life as long as you're in it with me- I will travel it- I did mention that I preferred not to walk it!!! but not my will but your will be done.
Surprisingly (not) that day I started to feel better. I can't tell you the gratitude I feel that God has lifted this burden from me- God is good- all the time!!